Top Tips For Beginner Runners

Photo of female beginner runner

I’ve had the pleasure of running Pilates courses for Caroline Dunleavy’s running group (Common Runners) in Wimbledon for some time now, and it’s wonderful to see how just one hour of Pilates a week has made such a difference to the runners with their flexibility and stretching. I invited Caroline to write this guest post below with some easy tips for newbie runners …

Running outdoors is one of the best ways to keep you fit, healthy and happy but it can be difficult to know how and when to start. New Year is a great time to start running as it is relatively cheap, encourages you to get some fresh air, discover new places, make new friends whilst reducing your stress levels!

Many people start with the Couch to 5k app while others join a group for motivation and make great strides. 

Simple running tips for beginners

If you are a beginner runner you may want to consider the following top tips to make your journey enjoyable. In addition, make sure that you do some cross training activities such as Pilates and strength & conditioning to support your running as this will help you to run better and avoid injury. 

1.     Start off slowly with your pace and distance, even if you think that you can do more. Make sure that you are comfortable walking briskly for at least 30 minutes a couple of times a week before attempting to run. Then start running for 1 minute at a chatty pace, walking for 1 minute briskly over 20 minutes.

2.     Buy running shoes that support your feet to keep injuries at bay. Cross-trainers or tennis shoes do not have enough cushioning to handle the impact of running. Old running shoes will need replacing. It’s worth contacting a specialist running shop such as Sporting Feet (Putney/Richmond) as they will advise you.

3.     Set a realistic goal to motivate you. At the moment, just getting out of the house for some fresh air may be enough motivation. But to continue running, a target might be to run for 30 minutes continuously, join your family at the local Park Run or your ‘runner’ friends for a social run. 

4.    Wear the right clothes - try and wear a top and running tights in Dryfit or Coolmax fabric (no cotton) to keep cool. It is worth investing in running socks to prevent blisters and a sports bra to avoid chaffing. Both items should fit snugly, be seamless and wick away sweat.

5.     Keep an eye on the temperature outside and dress like it is about ten degrees warmer!  Many beginner runners over-dress and begin to feel very uncomfortable within five minutes of running. If in doubt, just wear up to three layers in the winter and tie them around your waist once you are fully warmed up.

And, most importantly, enjoy your run! 

Need more running advice?

Caroline Dunleavy, an England Athletics Running Coach and Running Technique Coach, set up Common Runners in Wimbledon over eight years ago and has inspired women of all ages and abilities to achieve their goals through running. Whether you want to just get fitter, lose half a stone in weight or run a 5k, Caroline will help you realise your ambitions in a friendly and fun environment. For running advice, please email Caroline at