Does Caffeine Pick You Up – Or Put You Down?


Looking for that caffeine pick-me-up? Do you drink endless cups of coffee and tea because you feel tired and sluggish? And are you struggling with that stubborn fat that seems to hug your mid-line? 

Why you need to think again about that morning coffee

Coffee has been proven to cause the body to retain weight, especially around the midsection where stubborn belly fat can occur. It’s because caffeine raises the adrenaline levels in your body which increases levels of your cortisol hormone: the stress hormone that encourages fat to be stored around your midsection.  

I discussed the effects of cortisol in my lymphatic workshop. Having too much results in inflammation in the body, increased blood pressure, and can even lead to feeling anxious and affecting your mental health.

Caffeine can also adversely affect blood sugar levels by causing a spike in insulin (which for some people, doesn't take much). As an anabolic hormone, insulin is also very good at storing fat around your midsection. Keeping insulin elevated can make your cells less sensitive to its "signal" (i.e., insulin resistance). To lose weight – and keep it off – your cells need to be the complete opposite i.e., insulin sensitive.

Should you cut caffeine out altogether?

Ideally, yes, but nutritionists say two cups a day are allowable if you really, really must! However, do avoid decaf as it goes through a chemical process and there’s also a small loss of antioxidants. The best hot drink alternative is boiled water with fresh mint or a slice of lemon or ginger.

Try to:

  • Cut back gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and irritability 

  • Avoid caffeine late afternoon and evening 

  • Cut down on fizzy drinks as these contain caffeine (as do chocolate and many medicines) 

  • Stay well hydrated (this also helps with weight loss).

How to keep your energy levels up

It’s common sense really: instead of endless cups of caffeine, you need a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise with a varied programme (which I provide in my Zoom and in-person classes.

Going for walks, climbing the stairs and even doing DIY, gardening or housework more vigorously are all beneficial but to help burn off those unwanted inches, why not try one of my fitness classes?

The more lean muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be so a bone density class is a great way to keep your bones and muscles strong. And, of course, adding Pilates into the mix will help you move – whether walking, running or playing golf or tennis – with ease and grace of movement, as well as help avoid injuries.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t forget to set aside a little time in the day to sit quietly and allow your nervous system to slow down and your food to digest – while enjoying a lovely fresh mint tea! 

I offer all new clients who subscribe a free consultation to chat through your fitness history and goals, followed by a free trial session. To book yourself into one of my classes at Soul Central Pilates, or find out more, simply get in touch here