"Come On, Barbie (And Ken), Let's Go Pilates”


Pilates is very much in the press right now having been popularised by celebrities and their trainers and with recent headlines such as these in The Times: If you want to be ripped like Harry Styles, take up Pilates  and I tried the $500 online Pilates class — was it worth it?

But you may have also read how London-based trainer David Higgins – who has a Pilates background – helped the cast of Barbie achieve film-fitness, with each session starting with core exercises. He reveals in this yahoo!life interview how “For me, engaging the core is everything at the beginning of the workout”.

As many of my clients know, I’m not just a Pilates teacher but am also qualified to teach fitness, aqua, plus more … and the article is spot on in advising teachers to use the principles of Pilates in every fitness genre. Whether you’re in Hollywood or Hammersmith, who doesn’t want a longer, lean aesthetic and to be able to move more freely with less pain and discomfort, particularly if sitting in front of a computer or even if you exercise a lot?

A for alignment, B for breath and C for centre (meaning core)

Pilates is famously known for its emphasis on our core from where all movement stems.

In class, we focus on working from the inside out; that’s why the breath is so important so as not to fatigue quickly, to slow the mind down and, vitally, to connect with our core muscles – our ‘powerhouse’ as Joseph Pilates would say.

We work on our deep transverse muscles and surrounding muscles such as the obliques, internal and external multifidus, the erector spine (the rope-like muscles next to your spine), and yes – those rectus abs that Ken gloriously shows off aka his six pack! The main function of these is to flex the spine and, very importantly, hold your organs in place and keep your body stable when moving. 

We should start every class being aware of our alignment/posture and not over work certain muscles that cross the joints to avoid injury and the risk of back pain and poor posture.

Having a healthy, balanced workout in Pilates is essential for strengthening your core and keeping it pliable, which is why Pilates is also so popular with athletes such as Andy Murray as it enhances sports performance.

Pilates is for everyone

And, of course, the other big advantage of Pilates is that any one of any age can take it up – it’s not just for A-listers!! 

So why not give it a go with me, either in a studio mat class in Wimbledon or Kew or on a Zoom class at home.

If it’s good enough for Ken and Barbie …!!

To book or find out more, please click here Hope to see you on the mat very soon.